When Badges Are Flashed: Know Your Rights
If you are confronted by a person with a badge, your first and only priority is to remain silent until you have spoken with your lawyer.
🎁Give the Gift of Peace of Mind This Holiday Season 🎁
Give the gift of peace of mind through estate planning and business compliance services. It encourages securing your family’s future or streamlining your business with a free consultation from Burt Brown this holiday season.
The Most Meaningful Holiday Gift for Your Family This Year: Peace of Mind
As the holiday season approaches, we often find ourselves searching for the perfect gifts to bring joy to our loved ones. We consider the latest gadgets, cozy sweaters, or unforgettable trips—but what if the best gift you could give doesn’t come wrapped in festive paper or tied with a bow?
Get Serious About Your Business
Starting and running a business takes passion, commitment, and hard work—but it also requires the right legal and structural setup to ensure long-term success. Many business owners overlook crucial aspects of compliance, like selecting the right structure or keeping up with annual filings. If you're serious about your business, now is the time to make sure you're fully compliant and set up for growth. Here’s what every Illinois business owner needs to know.
Required Corporate Formalities
Many entrepreneurs switch their business structure to a corporation to benefit from personal liability protection—often referred to as the "corporate umbrella." But contrary to popular belief, incorporating your business is just the first step. Simply filing the paperwork won't guarantee this protection if you don't follow through with additional responsibilities.
Supermax and Post-Trial Objections to Inmates Sent to Supermax
Supermax prisons are the highest-level security prisons in the United States. There is only one supermax prison in the U.S. federal prison system, ADX Florence in Florence, Colorado.
Objeciones de Juicio para Presos Enviados a la Prisión de Máxima Seguridad
Las prisiones de máxima seguridad son las prisiones con el nivel más alto de seguridad en los Estados Unidos.
Long Distance Parental Care
Who will be close enough to see that the needs of the elderly are met?
Business & Biden: Changes Ahead?
Will the new administration enact new business rules and regulations?
Byproduct of the Pandemic: A New Interest in Estate Planning
The pandemic has taught everyone, regardless of age group, that a virus does not discriminate. Doing your Estate Plan early benefits you and your family.
How the LAED Act Puts the Days of Encryption in Danger
If passed into law, the LAED Act would prohibit end-to-end encryption without a backdoor for law enforcement. No company, website, or individual would be able to protect their data via encryption.
What Altitude Express Means For Your HR
This summer, the Supreme Court gave additional meaning to to the language of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that deals with discrimination “on the basis of sex.”
The Business of COVID-19: Employees and Antibodies
As businesses throughout Illinois start to re-open under Phase 4 there are many questions that business owners have regarding the new normal for both themselves and their employees.
COVID-19 Brings Changes to Business Bankruptcy in Cost and Procedure
As more and more businesses are looking to bankruptcy as a means to stay in business during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Government has made changes to some of the bankruptcy laws to aid these businesses.
Contract Advantages for Veterans
As an entrepreneurial veteran, you have a unique advantage when it comes to government contracting.
The Family Protection Program for Veterans
The VA and State agencies can provide substantial assistance for veteran families, but the veteran and their family must contact services that lead them on the right path.