By Matthew J. Roberts

More than ever, technology has become an essential part of most small businesses…including law firms. As the pandemic refuses to say “uncle,” now more than ever, the ability to communicate with employees via digital means is critical to the successful day-to-day operation of any business. My guess is that post pandemic, this trend of digital communication will be further enhanced. Digitizing a company’s operations and the way it communicates with clients and employees will become the “new norm,” even when folks return to their long-deserted offices. This article addresses a number of key thoughts that small businesses should incorporate, if not just consider, so as not to be left motionless at the starting line.

One of the best things a small business can do is probably the most critical. Create an appealing website to show clients your array of capabilities, and to confirm to employees and industry competitors this business is to be taken very seriously.

Whether you are a brand new company just starting out, or a fully established company in business for many years, an effective website opens many doors to a younger client base; critical for long-term success. Your website will serve as your company’s foundation in the digital space. This allows all of your hard work and marketing efforts to be reflected through your website presentation.

The next key aspect a business owner should consider is the positive impact technology can make in contributing to efficiency and productivity. In the work environment going forward, working from home will become an accepted practice, and may be a desired benefit for prospective employees. So, it is absolutely necessary to contemplate and incorporate contemporary digital programs. Cell phones and traditional email are certainly critical, but face-to-face digital communication tools like Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom, Go-to-Meeting, BlueJeans meeting, RingCentral and Cisco WebEx are all active in this space. This software will be a great benefit in creating and maintaining a sense of community within the business.

Another tool to consider is Project Management software that classifies, catalogues and separates company data and client information for easy access and use by many individuals. Traditional known as CRM software (customer relationship management), companies in this space include Salesforce and Redtail. Both are wonderful depositories for storage and articulation of client data.

I would be remiss if I failed to mention the correlation between an effective website and social media presence. Consider linking your website to Linked In, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter among others to link your business and operating strategies with many young social media users. Social media sites utilize advertising exposure to allow you to further your marketing voice to targeted demographic profiles.

It should be clear that none of these digital suggestions will benefit your small business if they are not correctly developed and maintained. Continual use will help these ideas become a natural part of a business infrastructure and a major contributor to your quest for contemporary use of day-to-day technology.

To get some assistance with your business…whether it be corporate compliance, incorporation of new digital technology or any other legal issues, please visit us at or call us at the Law offices of Burton A. Brown, 312-236-5582.

A business woman digitizing her company's operations through her laptop