How to protect your assets and plan for the future
A good estate plan will help you and your loved ones maintain control of your healthcare and finances, provide for your wishes, and avoid probate court.
EVENT: To Will Or Not To Will?
Learn about the four essential documents for your estate plan, how to avoid probate, plus tips for veterans.
Why should I talk with my parents about Estate Planning?
The subject of estate planning brings to the table two sensitive topics: death and finances.
EVENT: Veteran’s Benefits Seminar
Illinois ranks #52 in the U.S. for benefits utilization. Learn how you can making the most of available veterans benefits.
EVENT: Planning Your Retirement and Estate
Planning Your Retirement and Estate Educational Event: Planting the seeds for a secure future. This informational lecture will cover estate planning, retirement planning, and investment planning, followed by a Q&A with attorneys, accountants, and financial planners. RSVP required.
Get your estate and business affairs in order before a crisis
It is very easy to be prepared and avoid crisis management.
EVENT: Estate Planning Seminar in St. Charles
During this Estate Planning Seminar, our attorneys will discuss how to be prepared when a loved one passes, how and when to get your affairs in order, how to avoid costly court fees, and how to setup your plan to distribute possessions the way you want. Email us to RSVP.